Tuesday, February 5, 2008

College Campuses Get with the Green

Some college campuses are classified as more "hippie" than others. Berkley, Portland State University, and Colorado University are a few such campuses. But, nationwide more campuses are turning to the promotion of eco-friendly practices.

Jan. 31 marked the involvement over a thousand schools, churches, and community organizations in the National Teach-in day hosted by Focus the Nation, an organization aimed at stirring eco-centered conversation.

The blue went green when Duke basketball played North Carolina State University last Thursday as part of Focus the Nation Day. Fans promoted discussion about global climate change and sustainability by wearing green shirts, ribbons, and body paint.

Similar-untelevised, less noted, but just as important-efforts were carried out by other universities nationwide. Here at Colorado State Univeristy teach-ins were conducted last Thursday and Friday as part Focus the Nation Day. Between 35-45 professors and community leaders were expected to speak about sustainability and climate change issues.

Presidential candidate Barack Obama even plugged the event while visiting Clemson University.

College campuses have often been the source of societal change. Look back to the social movements of the 1960's. If students begin to think, speak, and act green, it's possible the rest of the nation will follow.


thatguy said...

that interesting i didn't even know about that event day i wish i had known. one recommendation though have you thought of using hyper links rather than just giving the web addresses?

Jeff Browne said...

Can you ask Eldad to properly punctuate his comments? Seriously, good start and keep up the good work.


Diane said...

Hey Eldad, "punctuate your comments." Also, I figured out the hyperlinks. Thanks!